About Me

Hello all,

I go by SquallyDoc.  I primarily do development work for Windows, Linux, and embedded Linux machines for my daytime job.  Lately I have started dabbling into development for the mobile world.  I had done quite a bit of development work with webOS.  First starting with the Palm Pre Plus, and then moving onto the Pre 2, Veer, and finally the TouchPad.  Most of my time lately as been spent playing around with the TouchPad.  I have since started working on Android (as I have added dual-boot functionality to my TouchPad).

I personally like to develop applications I use in my life.  The majority of these include remotes for particular desktop software.  This is due to the fact that I have a home server which sits in my basement, and I prefer to not have to walk down there to perform a simple task.  I know I’m lazy.

Outside of the development world, I like to play video games.  These can range from all sorts of devices and genres.  I also like to collect Legos (primarily Star Wars Legos), brew beer, and just play around with my gadgets.

Well enough about me.  I hope you enjoy my work.

